Bus ATAP Route 50 From Alagna to Vercelli and the way back

Piazzale Lungo Sesia, Alagna Valsesia

Ottieni indicazioni

The Route 50 stops in the following cities:

Alagna - Varallo - Borgosesia - Gattinara - Vercelli

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Thanks to these instruments you are able to check the time tables, verify the price of the tickets and plan ahead your trip. We would like to remember you that the starting point/arriving point of ATAP Route 50  is "Piazzale Lungo Sesia" of Alagna Valsesia, really close to the center of the village, and the arriving point/starting point is in Vercelli, near the railway station. The bus stops in all the villages of Valsesia and in some of the major cities like Varallo, Borgosesia and Gattinara.

If you are arriving from Milan or if you want to get to Milan you can click on this link