Baranzelli Bus to get to Valsesia

Piazzale Lungo Sesia, Alagna Valsesia

Ottieni indicazioni

If you are arriving from Vercelli or if you want to get to Vercelli you can click on this link.

Route Alagna - Novara - Milano


Click here to check the timetables

We would like to remember you that the starting point/arriving point of this Baranzelli line is "Piazzale Lungo Sesia" of Alagna Valsesia, near to the center of the village, and the arriving point/starting point is in Milano Lampugnano Metro Stop M1. The bus stops in all the villages of Valsesia and in some cities like Varallo, Borgosesia and Novara

Special festivity route to Valsesia

Click here to check the timetables

Route Novara - Romagnano, Romagnano - Varallo 

Click here to check the timetables