Scientific institute Angelo Mosso Scientific Institute - Passo dei Salati

Passo dei Salati, Alagna Valsesia

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The Institute is a research center located on Monte Rosa, at 2,901 meters above sea level and which was founded in 1907 by Angelo Mosso, at the time professor of Physiology at the University of Turin.

Its construction had the purpose of supporting the activities of the highest alpine refuge in Europe, the Regina Margherita hut, and in fact over the years it has hosted scholars and researchers from all over the world, who arrived to continue their research activities in the fields of geology, glaciology, meteorology and physiology.
In 2000 the Institute was almost completely destroyed by a fire, but thanks to the support of funds from national and international sources, activities had already resumed in 2006.

To reach it, just follow the marked path, which starts from Passo dei Salati and takes you to your destination in 15 minutes.
Inside there are ancient measuring instruments, as well as research results and above all what allowed guests to survive inside the structure for months during the twentieth century.
Thanks to the synergy between Monterosa 2000 and the University of Turin during the summer season it is possible to visit the institute through free guided tours lasting 45 minutes, and in the months of June, July and August it hosts various events, including workshops for children. and conferences.